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  1. Transparent casing, solid, beautiful and visible of the pelvic internalstructure, operation steps can be observed if they are correct;
  2. Good flexibility of vagina, vaginal speculum can be used, soft and elasticuterine material, realistic shape;
  3. Soft touching feeling of genitals, simulation shape, correct structure of thelabia majora, labia minora, urethra, vagina;
  4. Realistic internal anatomical structure: uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, bladder,ureter;
  5. Around 6-7 weeks of gestation sac can be seen in the transparent uterus;
  6. Urethral catheterization operation, female bladder irrigation;
  7. Uterine dilator and curet can be inserted into cervix;
  8. With basement support and can fix the uterus in the right position;
  9. Transparent curettage demonstration model: anteversion position,horizontal position, and retroversion position.