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  • Ultrasonic host operating system: Windows operating system.
  • carotid artery intima measurement thickness (IMT).
  • Automatic spectral envelope measurement.
  • Monitor: ≥5 inch, high definition ultrasonic display, ≥13.3 inch touch screen.
  • Applications: Abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, heart, urinary system, small organs, superficial, blood vessels, pediatrics, newborns, musculoskeletal.
  • Applications and report: Abdominal,OB,GYN,Cardiac,Urinary,Small Parts,Superficial, Vascular, Pediatrics, Advanced measurement software packages, report software packages, case management software packages, etc

Technical Specifications

2D Imaging Mode
Gain 0-100, Step 1 adjustable
TGC 8 segment adjustable
Dynamic 30-180, 35 level, step 5 adjustable
Speckle reduction 0-5, 5 level
Space Synthesis 0-2, 2 level (Liner probe: 3 level, cardiac probe:0)
Sound power 2-10, 9 level
Edge Enhancement 0-5, 5 level
Maximum focus point ≥7, which can be moved throughout the whole process
Grey scale 0-67, 67 level
False color 0-67, 67 level
Image style Soft-Comparison, 2 level
Frame correlation 0-4, 4 level adjustable
Line density low, middle, high, 3 level
Noise reduction 0-5, 5 level
The screen has real-time display of voice power, probe frequency, dynamic range, pseudo color, gray scale and other 11 parameters can be adjusted.
Color Doppler Imaging Mode
Blood gain 0-100, Step 2
Parameter display Velocity, Variance
B-Restrain (B/W restrain) 0-7, 7 level
Speed Through 0-8, 8 level
Sampling number 6-24, 7 level
Blood flow preferred 0-8, 8 level
Filtering 1-6, 6 level
Sound power 2-6, 4 level
Noise reduction 0-4, 4 level
Smooth treatment 0-4, 4 level
Frame correlation 0-6, 6 level
Chromatography (Blood flow graph) 0-37, 37 level
Line density Low-Middle-High, 3 level
Frequency 4 level adjustable
Velocity Minimum 0.4K, Maximum 40.5K
Convex probe 0.4K-4.3K-38.5K
Linear probe 0.4K-14.7K-39.0K
Trans-vaginal probe 0.4K-7.8K-39.7K
Volume probe 0.4K-4.2K-34.8K
Micro-convex probe 0.4K-10.3K-40.5K
Cardiac probe 0.4K-7.8K-39.7K
PS: The frequency of the probe changes and the frequency value changes
PS: Frame rate changes with speed
Pulse wave Doppler (PW)
Gain 0-100, Step 2
Spectrum envelope function: real time automatic spectrum envelope, manual spectrum envelope, and other modes.

The system automatically analyses and displays various data such as PSV, EDV, RI, PI, S/D, ACC, HR and so on.

Can wake up or close.

Sample volume 0.5mm- 30mm
Blood angel -75—75 degree, Step 5
False color 0-67, 67 level
Dynamic range 20-40, 4 level
Filter 0-9, 9 level
Smooth treatment 1-4, 4 level
Sound power 2-5, 4 level
Volume 0-100, 10 level, Step 10
Audio filtering 0-4, 4 level
Base line -1.0~1.0
Grey map 0-67, 67 level
Scan velocity 100-500, 6 level
PRF Minimum 0.5K, Maximum 87.5K
Convex probe 0.5K-4.3K-63.3K
Linear probe 0.5K-14.5K-78.4K
Trans-vaginal probe 0.5K-8.1K-78.4K
Volume probe 0.5K-4.2K-53.8K
Micro-convex probe 0.5K-10.3K-81.1K
Cardiac probe 0.5K-4.3K-87.5K
Frequency 4 level
PS: The frequency of the probe changes and the PRF value changes
PS: The frequency of the probe changes and the frequency value changes
Continuous Wave Doppler (CW)
Support probe Cardiac probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, Step 2
Sampling line position is adjustable
PRF 0.9K~36.1K
Baseline -1.0~1.0
Blood angel -75~75 degree
Grey map 0-67
Scan velocity 100-300
False color 0-67
Dynamic range 20-40
Filtering 0-9, 9 level
Smooth treatment 1-4
Frequency 2.0MHz/2.3MHz/2.5MHz/3.0MHz, 4 level adjustable
Sound power 2-5
Volume 0-100
Audio Filtering 0-4
Anatomical M imaging
Support probe Convex probe, Linear probe,Cardiac probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, Step 2
M Sampling line angel is adjustable
M Sampling line length is adjustable
Sampling line: 3, Can be displayed or hidden separately
Blood flow M mode (MC)
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, Step2
MC Sampling line angel is adjustable
MC Sampling line length is adjustable
Frequency 4 level
Sampling number 6-24
Speed through 0-8, 8 level
Scan velocity 150-500
Frame correlation 0-6, 6 level
Filtering 1-6, 6 level
Blood flow preferred 0-8, 8 level
Smooth treatment 0-4, 4 level
Map 0-37, 37 level
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, Step 2
B/E, Double real-time display on the same screen
Probe displacement curve display Up/Down
Pressure indicator bar display
Frequency 8-9 level, Adjustable; According to the probe display
Noise reduction 0-2, 2 level
Frame correlation 0-3, 3 level
Comparison 0-13, 13 level
False color 0-3, 3 level
Don’t support cardiac probe
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)
Support probe Cardiac probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, step 2
ROI area adjustable
Sampling number 6-24
Velocity 0.4K-8.0K
Frame correlation 0-6, 6 level
Tissue preferred 0-7, 7 level
Frequency 2.0MHz/2.3MHz/2.5MHz/3.0MHz
Support color reversal
Strain rate imaging
Support probe Cardiac probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
ROI area adjustable
Gain 0-100, Step 2
Sampling number 6-24, 6 level
Axial average 1-4, 4 level
Velocity 0.4K-8K
Frame correlation 0-6, 6 level
Tissue optimization 0-7, 7 level
Panoramic imaging
Support probe Linear probe
Speckle Reduction 0-5, 5 level
Deflection imaging
Support probe Linear probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Deflection angel 8 level
Speckle reduction 0-5, 5 level
Dynamic rate 30-180, Step 5
Line density low-middle-high, 3 level
Frame Correlation 0-4, 4 level
False color 0-67, 67 level
Image style Soft-Comparison, 2 level
Noise reduction 0-5, 5 level
Edge Enhancement 0-5, 5 level
Sound power 2-10, 8 level
Grey map 0-67, 67 level
Trapezoidal imaging
Probe support linear probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Deflection angel 8 level
Speckle reduction 0-5, 5 level
Dynamic rate 30-180, Step 5
Line density low-middle-high, 3 level
Frame Correlation 0-4, 4 level
False color 0-67, 67 level
Image style Soft-Comparison, 2 level
Noise reduction 0-5, 5 level
Edge Enhancement 0-5, 5 level
Sound power 2-10, 8 level
Grey map 0-67, 67 level
Space Synthesis 0-2, 2 level
Freehand 3D imaging
Support probe convex probe, linear probe
Display model 4 pictures
Image Rotation X/Y/Z Axis
Multi-slice Visibility
Real-time 4D imaging
Support probe 4D volume probe
Adjustment of B mode parameters is switchable
Gain 0-100, Step 2
Display model one image, two images, four images
Image Rotation: X/Y/Z Axis
Multi-slice Visibility
Light&Shade inversion
Smooth 0-4, 4 level
Threshold level 0-129, Step 3
Transparency 1-509, Step 10
Render type 4 kinds, Surface, maximum, minimum, perspective
Extended Imaging
Gain 0-100, Step 2
TGC 8 segment adjustable
Maximum focus point ≥7, which can be moved throughout the whole process
Speckle reduction 0-5, 5 level
Space Compound 0-2, 2 level (Linear probe: 3 level, don’t support cardiac probe)
Dynamic range 30-180, 35 level, Step 5
Line density Low, Middle, High, 3 level
Frame correlation 0-4, 4 level
Noise reduction 0-5, 5 level
Edge enhancement 0-5, 5 level
Sound power 2-10, 9 level
Grey map 0-67, 67 level
False color 0-67, 67 level
Image style Soft-Comparison, 2 level
Extended level Maximum 72 level
Convex probe 9 level
Trans-vaginal probe 72 level
Micro-convex probe 29 level
Cardiac probe 40 level
4D Volume probe 17 level
PS: The screen has real-time display of voice power, probe frequency, dynamic range, pseudo color, grayscale and other 11 parameters can be adjusted
PS: When the probe scan range reaches the maximum, the space synthesized is 0.

Various Probes

  • Convex probe

Fundamental Frequency: 2.0MHz/ 2.3MHz/ 2.5MHz/ 3.0MHz/ 3.5MHz/ 4.0MHz/ 4.6MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 5.4MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 4.0MHz/ 4.6MHz/ 5.0MHz


  • Linear probe

Fundamental Frequency: 4.0MHz/ 4.6MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 6.0MHz/ 7.0MHz/ 8.0MHz/ 9.2MHz/ 10.0MHz/ 12.0MHz/ 13.3MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 8.0MHz/ 9.2MHz/ 10.0MHz


  • Micro-convexprobe

Fundamental Frequency: 3.0MHz/ 3.5MHz/ 4.0MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 5.4MHz/ 6.0MHz/ 7.0MHz/ 8.0MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 6.0MHz/ 7.0MHz/ 8.0MHz


  • Cardiacprobe

Fundamental Frequency: 1.7MHz/ 1.9MHz/ 2.1MHz/ 2.5MHz/ 3.0MHz/ 3.4MHz/ 3.8MHz/ 4.2MHz/ 5.0MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 3.4MHz/ 3.8MHz/ 4.2MHz


  • 4D volume probe

Fundamental Frequency: 2.0MHz/ 2.5MHz/ 3.0MHz/ 3.3MHz/ 3.7MHz/ 4.0MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 6.0MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 4.0MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 6.0MHz


  • Rectal linear probe

Fundamental Frequency: 4.0MHz/ 4.6MHz/ 5.0MHz/ 6.0MHz/ 7.0MHz/ 8.0MHz/ 9.2MHz/ 10.0MHz/ 12.0MHz/ 13.3MHz

Harmonic Frequency: 8.0MHz/ 9.2MHz/ 10.0MHz

Graphic and Text Management System

  • Host build in 2 hard disk(SSD 120+1T), start fast and stable.
  • Movie playback: ≥1200 frames.
  • Type of report is 16.
  • One key fast report graphic and text management.
  • Internal file information management system: can record patient number, name, check number, check date and so on, and can be searched and managed by numbering, checking number, name and so on.